
Digital Design, UI Design, Illustration, Graphic Design.
Project Overview
Detect, a healthtech company in the home diagnostics industry, developed a Covid-19 test during the peak of the global pandemic. To successfully commercialize the test, Detect collaborated with Human Agency as their fully integrated marketing partner. Together, they provided comprehensive support, spanning a 360-degree go-to-market product launch strategy and ongoing post-launch marketing and business strategies.
My Contributions
As a part-time design consultant under Human Agency's Staff Augmentation model, I supported Detect in product design and marketing collateral development. Collaborating closely with the in-house Lead Product Designer and the Head of Policy and Communications at Detect, I contributed to projects spanning web and app design, marketing collateral creation, and paid media strategies.
Paid Media Campaigns and PPC Landing Pages:
  • I worked with the HA paid media team on several marketing campaigns focused on maximizing clickthrough and conversion rates. This involved creating multiple paid ads and landing page iterations to capture searchers for "Detect" or variations thereof. My designs ensured high engagement and effective lead capture.
  • Detect aimed to boost clickthrough and conversion rates through their paid media campaigns. However, their current marketing website faced challenges in attracting search traffic for "Detect" and related terms. To tackle this issue effectively, it was crucial to launch new Paid Media Campaigns and overhaul the PPC landing pages. This redesign and development initiative aimed to enhance user experience and significantly improve conversion metrics.
  • PPC Landing Pages. I took on the task of designing new PPC Landing Pages using Figma, where I prototyped and refined multiple iterations. My focus was on integrating persuasive content, optimizing layout and visual elements, and ensuring seamless navigation and functionality.
  • Simultaneously, I developed visual assets for their Paid Media Campaigns, ensuring consistency in brand visuals and messaging across various digital channels. This encompassed creating visually engaging ad creatives tailored to diverse audience segments and campaign objectives. By aligning design strategies with Detect's marketing goals, I contributed to enhancing their digital presence and effectively capturing the attention of target audiences.
Enhancing App and Website UX/UI for Detect
  • In collaboration with Detect, I supported the lead product designer in refining app and website iterations to address usability issues and enhance the overall user experience. Our focus was to create a seamless and intuitive interface for home testing, ensuring a positive user experience across all platforms.
  • Detect aimed to facilitate bulk sales of their COVID-19 test kits to large clients and organizations conducting on-site testing. However, the existing website lacked a user-friendly bulk ordering feature, hindering potential large-scale purchases and limiting market reach.
  • To address this challenge, I led the user interface design for the bulk ordering experience on Detect's website. Working closely with the lead product designer, who conducted user research, I brainstormed various solutions and iterated on a final design that met the needs of both users and stakeholders.
  • User Research and Brainstorming: The lead product designer gathered insights from potential bulk buyers to understand their needs and preferences. Using this data, we brainstormed different design solutions to streamline the bulk ordering process.
  • Wireframing and Prototyping: I created wireframes and prototypes using Figma to visualize the bulk ordering experience. These designs integrated clear categorization of products, detailed descriptions, and intuitive navigation to facilitate easy and efficient bulk purchasing.
  • Stakeholder Review and Implementation: The prototypes were presented to stakeholders for review and approval. Their feedback was incorporated to refine the design further. Once approved, I collaborated with the development team to ensure the seamless implementation of the bulk ordering feature on the website.
Designing Covid-19 Test Instructions
  • I spearheaded the design of Covid-19 test instructions from scratch for Detect, marking the first iteration of these critical materials. These instructions were crucial for guiding users through the home testing process and were included in the product packaging. Given the absence of previous instructions, my role encompassed not only creating new illustrations but also designing the layout of a mini booklet to ensure clarity and usability. Collaborating closely with both the Human Agency and Detect teams, I focused on modernizing the illustration style and aligning it with current branding guidelines.
  • Detect lacked initial Covid-19 test instructions, necessitating the creation of comprehensive guidance materials. The existing illustrations were outdated and did not accurately represent the current functionality of the product. Additionally, the branding and illustration style needed to be refreshed to reflect Detect's current identity and enhance user engagement and understanding.
  • Tasked by Detect, I undertook the project to design and develop Covid-19 test instructions tailored specifically for their product. Collaborating closely with the product development team, I conducted thorough research to understand the product's functionality and user requirements. Drawing on my graphic design expertise, I created a new series of illustrations that clearly depicted each step of the testing process. Additionally, I designed a layout for a mini booklet that accompanied the product, ensuring it was both visually appealing and user-friendly. Through iterative design iterations and collaborative feedback sessions, I refined the instructions to align seamlessly with Detect's brand identity and provide effective guidance to users.
  • This project underscored my ability to respond to client needs with creativity and precision, delivering impactful design solutions that enhance user experience and product effectiveness in the market.
Designing Marketing Emails and Templates for Detect
  • In my role as a part-time design consultant at Human Agency, I collaborated closely with Detect's in-house marketing team to enhance their email marketing strategies. This involved creating a series of automated email marketing designs for platforms like Shopify and Mailchimp, developing versatile email templates, and designing seasonal marketing emails to effectively promote Detect's products.
  • Detect needed a cohesive and efficient approach to their email marketing efforts. They faced challenges with creating timely and visually engaging email campaigns due to the lack of pre-designed templates and automated workflows. Additionally, there was a need for seasonal marketing emails to keep the product promotion dynamic and relevant throughout the year.
  • Throughout the process, I collaborated closely with the marketing teams to gather feedback and iterate on designs. This collaborative approach ensured that the final email designs were not only visually appealing but also strategically effective. The final outcomes were:
  • Automated Email Designs: I created a series of automated email marketing designs tailored for Shopify and Mailchimp. These designs were aimed at streamlining communication with customers, providing consistent brand messaging, and enhancing user engagement.
  • Email Templates: We developed versatile email templates that could be quickly customized for last-minute marketing requests. These templates ensured that the design quality remained high and consistent, regardless of the time constraints.
  • Seasonal Marketing Emails: I designed several seasonal marketing emails to keep the product promotions fresh and engaging. These emails were aligned with Detect's branding and strategic goals, ensuring that each campaign resonated with the target audience.
Setting Up Detect’s Amazon Store
  • After receiving FDA approval, Detect aimed to strengthen their market presence by launching an Amazon store, primarily targeting bulk sales to enterprise clients. As a design consultant at Human Agency, I was integral to this initiative, working closely with Detect’s marketing team to create a comprehensive and engaging Amazon store from scratch, with the goal of effectively reaching and engaging potential buyers.
  • Detect needed to establish a strong presence on Amazon to facilitate bulk sales to enterprise clients, as single test sales were underperforming. The challenge was to set up a new Amazon store that catered specifically to the needs and expectations of enterprise clients, while ensuring a compelling and user-friendly shopping experience.
  • To address these challenges, I collaborated closely with the Human Agency marketing team and Detect’s in-house marketing director. The solutions included:
  • Storefront Setup: I took the lead in setting up the entire Amazon store, from initial planning to final implementation. This involved creating detailed wireframes for stakeholder review and approval, ensuring that the design aligned with Detect’s strategic goals. The setup included crafting an engaging and professional storefront that highlighted Detect’s FDA-approved status and the benefits of bulk purchasing, focusing on a clean layout, easy navigation, and clear calls to action.
  • Visual Content Creation: I designed high-quality visual content, including product images, infographics, and banners, to showcase the product’s features and advantages. These visuals were strategically placed to capture attention and provide detailed information about the product’s use and benefits.
  • Seasonal Marketing Emails: I designed several seasonal marketing emails to keep the product promotions fresh and engaging. These emails were aligned with Detect's branding and strategic goals, ensuring that each campaign resonated with the target audience.
  • Ensuring brand consistency and optimizing user experience were paramount throughout the Amazon store setup for Detect. By incorporating Detect’s branding elements and organizing information logically, the store maintained a cohesive and professional look, facilitating easy bulk purchasing. I went beyond the original brief, identifying areas for improvement and taking the initiative to address them. My proactive approach, effective communication with the client, and willingness to learn new skills, such as setting up an Amazon store, ensured efficient prioritization and exceptional results, ultimately enhancing the overall client experience and contributing to Detect’s success.